Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The pleasures of gyming!

I strongly recommend this to all those souls who feel they need to be in the thick of action all the time... every time. Gyming.

Of all the basic human needs, the most important one seems to be 'the need to be counted.. the satisfaction of having achieved something every single day'..

Since yours truly falls into this category and gets bored at the drop of hat, gyming time has becoming crowning glory everyday nowadays!

Yeah also, who doesn't want that sculpted 'Greek God' body! Its been a month now since I started visiting the local gym.. and though no actual physical improvement on outset can be seen, the joy of getting physically stressed out makes the day ahead look a lot rosier!

For all the unlucky folks struck in jobs like me where male-female ratio seems to be rather skewed... more like 100:1 (whoever keeps telling there are 929 females for every 1000 males in the country must be kidding!) its a chance for seeing the 'chicks'..

Well.. I can go on.. but, I see you've got my point- join the gym my friend!

Here are some good cartoons I came across- worth reading for laughs..

Ciao till next time...Harsha


Prem's Blog said...

Happy Gymming maga :)

Anand Kashyap said...

Nice thought, man.
Plannign to hit the gym shortly.

Anonymous said...
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Harsha said...

@anon.. controversial comment, had to delete.. :)