Friday, June 23, 2006

Its 'Summers' time folks!

Summer internship or 'Summers' in short was 8 weeks paid holiday in Bangalore.....or that is how I literally felt. It feels good to be in Bangalore amidst the familiar crowd, back to same old friends, weekend bashes, our own 'Sakkath hot - Radio Mirchi', 'swalpa adjust maadi' type of bustling crowd and yeah... 'yella ok- cool drink yake?' type of local pubs!

Well, now amidst all this I did have a lot of 'learning' to take back from my Wipro experience (The summer internship is called WiSE @ don't ask me the expansion, have just forgotten!). Worth remembering are some of those late-night telecon's with analysts from Ovum, IDC, iGR, etc.. was quite surprised to see how helpful some of these analysts from international research agencies are! Ironically it is the Indian ones which shrug from interacting professionally...

Yeah.....also worth not forgetting were those lunch-time outings to that typical Andhra restaurant next to Wipro M1 with all those by-now good buddies of mine- Karthik aka 'beta' from IIM L, our own Bishnu aka 'French Detective' from NITIE, Joydeep the 'amazing attitude guy' from XLRI and yeah.....the HR woman (well.....better be in her good books) Vijaya from TISS....

Well....thanks guys for making my office time worth every second.....all those talks, movie outings, PH visit, analyst meetings (especially Karthik!) and yeah.....innumerable tea breaks, mini lunch breaks :)

In between all this.... most of us slogged our a**es off... for the better part of 8 weeks, trying to gain some domain knowledge in Telecom sphere and also try to give back to Wipro some useful insights which they can use in the coming year. Worth mentioning are some useful interaction with top brass in Wipro....trying to understand their perceptions on various business relevant issues.

Well... 8 weeks rolled by, another bunch of good friends, another new environment experienced and most of all some sweet memories to treasure.........

Ciao till next time...Harsha

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My photo blog....

Have a look at my fotu blog. Want to give you a peep into NITIE through this. Will give you an inside view of various things which keep coming up in NITIE and elsewhere!

Ciao till next time...Harsha