Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ataraxia - The Perfect State of Tranquility

I changed my blog name from "Circulus Vitiosus" (Positive Energy out of control) to "Ataraxia" (Perfect State of Tranquility).

I was recently reading about contrarian investing.

Being a true contrarian takes supreme courage and implacable calm. Buffett talks constantly about the “emotional framework” Graham provides; Charlie often says that most investors, no matter how smart, won’t succeed because they have “the wrong temperament.”

That sums up beautifully. As the Greek philosopher Epicurus stated - it is.. but the aim of human life to reach "ataraxia" - a perfect state of calm and tranquility. Attaining a state of calm amidst chaos. Becoming unshakably calm and collected. Ability to shut out noise and concentrate on task at hand. Read how you will.... "ataraxia" is what we strive to achieve.

Ciao till next time...Harsha

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