Thursday, July 21, 2005


I just found out that journaism is a BIG fart.....should have known it much before...anyways, late but not lost.....

Have this Mandi thingy comin up.....bloody called up something like 20 odd journos.....asked them to cover the event and stumbled upon the truth - mediamen suck man....they really do.

Talked with one chap(read a journo) about the event to be covered...i missed recording his response, regret it now. Was surprised to find how much the ego can burst out from the phone...phew.

It's 12.00PM, sleeping early today...GN

Ciao, Harsha

1 comment:

Nikhil Kulkarni said...

Stumbled upon ur blog from somewhere .. felt pretty nostalgic.. NITIE sure is heaven ... actually the real reason why I keep dropping in there at the first opportunity that pops in and also the reason why I took a flat in HN :))

Enjoy ur days !!!